Chill bumps rise, my eyes close, breathing in the music I feel…well I just feel. The sounds and the words are sad, defiant, yet joyful. The song touches me. That’s a powerful thing. While walking toward the building, a line from the song rolled through my mind—“a good man’s touch in the mornin’ when I rise, baby, I’d give up every single dime,” and the memory of the kiss before I left home, the
miracle of my husband’s strength, tenderness, love and support washed over me.
There was something almost electrical in the air, an energy my soul couldn’t just leave. So walking past the door, those feet kept going. My free hand moved outward, gathering the energy, as smooth steps were taken. With a purse and a book occupying my other hand, the two free fingers extended to grab what they could. There, under the trees was a peace and power so much needed. Walking
through the bird droppings on the sidewalk, there was no fear of anything dropping on me from above—indeed I looked up through the leaves to see the sparkle of the morning sun. My deep breaths allowed it to soak in.
Suddenly a cool breeze wafted through the area. Currently, it is July in Texas and a high temperature of 102 is expected, so a cool breeze was a pleasant and surprising sensation. My feet halted, eyelids closed and the power surrounded me. I did not want to move. In truth, leaving was optional. But duty and responsibility called and the powerful peace released me. Not completely, however. It is still there, hovering in the background, triggering my mind and fingers to create these words.
Perhaps such feelings should not be experienced very often else they might become commonplace. But taking a few moments to feel the breeze and the sun through the trees is something we should do more often.
Link to the song on youtube: