Now, with friends spread far and wide and gas so expensive, we have Facebook. I can “make a drag” through the newsfeed and see what’s going on, who has been “out” and what they’ve been doing. Or, passing on by, stopping for a second and acknowledging them by “liking” their status, (this is what I call waving) or pulling over and posting in the conversation are all options. And even if they don’t answer my input right away, when it's time to make that drag through later, I’ll see if they said something. Yep, that’s what I like about Facebook. And the fact it saves on fuel.
It’s not as good as talking in person, but the opportunity to converse with such a diverse group is not to be taken for granted. So I interact as is appropriate, or sometimes not so appropriate. One can joke, sympathize, express horror or get on his soapbox. The beauty of it is, we don’t have to listen to all of it. You can just cruise on by.
That’s why I like Facebook better than Twitter. I’m an entertainer, not a news person. Reading the paper for me is concentrating on the headlines, the funnies and the crossword puzzle. Twitter doesn’t have the personal feel for me that Facebook has. Both are good in their own ways, much like chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Some folks only like one, some both, some pass on the whole thing. So excuse me now, I must go “make a drag” before lunch!