Heart Friend. After the sudden death of a man I’ve known for over forty years and shedding tears over his passing, I thought of that term. We had a friendship that traversed time and space. We had history from childhood and during college, and made another memory in 2016 when I got to see him in New York City. He once saved my life by pulling me from the street where I’d stepped out in front of a car. He held me as the vehicle, with brakes locked down, slid past us. He called me to offer love and support when my father, whom he knew well, passed away and again when my mom died.
Heart Friend. There are few during a lifetime. Their love is rooted in your soul. Your love is rooted in theirs. Your hearts are forever bonded in close friendship. It is beyond being friends, you are linked by your hearts.
Heart Friend. I lost another such friend seven years ago to inflammatory breast cancer. Another such friend was saved from cancer and I held her closely as recently as this past Sunday. Now those who have passed can visit in my heart since they are still rooted there. I feel Nanci sometimes, a flashing, bright white light zooming by to give me a smile. Joe has visited me twice now, offering his love and support.
As we grow older it is inevitable people we love will leave their earthly bodies and enter the universe in whatever way is open to them. I believe these spirits are real, they can visit my heart, and I can recognize them in my mind. I draw comfort from their freedom, their joy, and we can come to know all is well.